Saturday, November 3, 2007

First Craft Show.

The entire table
Originally uploaded by Green Leaf and Owl
It was an experience, that's for sure! I'm glad I was able to participate even if I didn't do as well as expected. Perhaps I need to find craft shows that are more my style and less country and crochet. :) Not that there is anything wrong with these things, but I felt out of place around the majority.

Get ready Etsy for some brand new GL&O pieces. Thanks to all those Etsy members around the country and world for supporting Green Leaf and Owl. I appreciate every one of you!

I may be doing a once or twice a month give away. Check my blog soon for an update.

1 comment:

LLA said...

sorry that it sounds like your first experience was more "kuntry" and "kute" than perhaps you would have liked...

However, you did it! You attended a craft fair, as an artist! That's so awesome...
